Wine Could Help Protect Your Teeth From Cavities And Gum Disease!

Calling all wine lovers! Your nightly glass of Pinot Noir or your favorite Merlot at the ladies luncheon might not be as presumptuous as you think. These classic wine beverages have been found to actually aid in helping your body, some may even consider them healthy if taken in moderation. Your Community Dental has an appreciation for those who love wine and would like to share how wine might actually be helping your smile. 

Classic red wines are full of polyphenols, the darker the wine the more it contains. Polyphenols have been linked to colon and heart support but when it comes to your oral health, studies have found that they could possibly help fight bacteria which protects you from cavities and even gum disease. Polyphenols are produced in plants and fruits and they fight bacteria and infections. Turns out, they work similarly in the human body. The polyphenols found in red wine can help fight bacteria that sticks to our teeth and gums. By breaking down the bacteria, it keeps it from growing into a cavity or even gum disease. 

Sip away on your glass of wine and enjoy a glass or two from time-to-time. Wine in moderation is good for the mind but also good for your health. We always talk about how oral health and overall health go hand-in-hand, but now you can be assured that your glass of wine won’t ruin your summer diet plan. Drinking this beverage in moderation might even promote a healthy heart, colon, and even help your smile stay healthy by fighting bacteria that causes cavities and gum disease. 

On the down side, red wine can stain your teeth. But don’t worry, Your Community Dental can help by providing an awesome whitening treatment. When you are ready for your next appointment call our office at 910-342-9210.


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